wedding professionals

Three Reasons to Hire a Professional Officiant

There are many more than three reasons to hire a professional officiant for your wedding ceremony, but there are three that I hear most often. As both a trained and certified Life Cycle Celebrant (R), and an endorsed Humanist Celebrant for a decade I’d had the opportunity to hear many horror stories from people who have seen poor wedding ceremonies. One of the most common causes for complaint is an unprepared family member or friend acting as the officiant. Here’s what couples have shared with me:

First, when I meet with couples for an initial consultation (a no cost, no obligation meeting) I’ve heard many times that they had never considered some of the topics I raise. For example, they haven’t thought about the logistics of the processional: who will walk in the processional, in what order, etc? They haven’t considered the possible elements of their ceremony – readings, rituals, guest involvement options, and more. They haven’t thought about where and how they will greet their guests following the ceremony. By engaging with a professional officiant all these topics will be discussed and your wishes will be honored.

Second, most couples in our area opt to have a rehearsal. As an experienced professional I can run your rehearsal in an efficient and effective manner. I can get and hold the attention of your wedding party, provide tips to help make everyone look sharp for the ceremony, and make sure that all the important points are covered. I’ve heard many times from couples, parents and attendants that the rehearsal reduced their stress and uncertainty so they could relax and enjoy the actual ceremony experience.

And third, professional officiants can prepare and preside over your ceremony in a way that is memorable for all the right reasons. The ceremony will be written well in advance, and you will have seen and approved it. The ceremony will follow a logical sequence and an emotional arc that leaves your guests satisfied and ready to move on to the rest of the celebration. Your officiant will offer the ceremony with professional vocal skills to ensure clarity and engage your guests.

These are just three reasons to hire a professional officiant based on my personal experience. You can find another perspective on this topic in an article from The Knot, here.

There is a trend toward having a friend or family member prepare and offer your wedding ceremony, but there are many possible pitfalls with that approach. Sometimes it works out well, but too often the ceremony is poorly written and presented, and opportunities for truly memorable moments are missed. Even a well-paid professional officiant accounts for a small percentage of your overall wedding budget, but will provide a great first act for your wedding day festivities.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, and welcome to 2018. If you are recently engaged, welcome to the wonderful world of wedding planning. You will discover that it is more complex than you may have expected, but remember that there are many wedding professionals ready to help make your wedding vision a reality for you. Selecting your date and venue are probably the first steps for you, followed quickly by booking the wedding professionals you feel most comfortable with.

Some of you have been planning for your wedding day for a number of months now, and 2018, the year of the wedding, has finally arrived. If you’ve taken a pause in your wedding planning over the holidays, now is a good time to check your to do list and ensure that everything is still on schedule. The next few months are sure to zoom by and you can keep your stress level down by keeping on track with remaining tasks.

The beginning of the new year may also be the opportunity some of you take to reflect on your relationship and decide that it’s time to move toward marriage. You have time to get a ring for a romantic Valentine’s Day proposal, and don’t forget the romantic possibilities a warm fireplace, or a simple walk on a crisp winter day can offer.

Whatever the milestones you will mark in this new year; proposal and engagement, setting the date or experiencing your dreamed of wedding day, may 2018 be a year of love and wonder for you on your wonderful journey together. Wishing you all a happy new year and a loving one, too.