Daily Archives: March 14, 2017

Including Your Dog In Your Wedding Ceremony

If you have a dog you love and view as part of your family you might be thinking about including him or her in your wedding ceremony. Having worked with a number of couples in this situation, I’d like to offer four suggestions to help ensure that your dog is a good addition to your ceremony.

1) Have someone who knows your dog be in charge of him or her. Ask them to bring the dog to the ceremony site about 15 minutes before the ceremony, well fed, watered and walked. Have the dog leashed.

2) If you are having the dog bring the rings in, have the “minder” hold the rings until just before the big entrance, and have a secure way for them to be attached to the dog.

3) Rather than including the dog in the processional, early in the ceremony, or just before the ring exchange, have the celebrant talk about the importance of the dog in your lives, and invite the dog to bring the rings forward (or alternately, just to be a part of your ceremony by coming forward to “share some love with you”).

4) After their big moment, have the minder remove the dog from the ceremony space. If they stay near, they are likely to want to be with you. They will be a distraction to nearby guests who are trying to pay attention to the ceremony.

You can always include your beloved pet in your wedding pictures, regardless of whether they participate in the ceremony. This can be a good option of your ceremony site doesn’t allow pets, or if you wish to reduce your stress by taking the pet variable out of your ceremony experience.

And one final thought… your pet will be happy to see you, and doesn’t understand about fragile fabrics, perfectly pressed tuxes, professional makeup applications, or carefully coiffed hair. You’ll have to decide how to balance your desire to include your pet in your special day, and the potential risks and stresses of doing so.